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(K.Furukawa, Dec.14.2006-Nov.30.2007-Mar.4.2010.)
setenv EPICS_BASE {your-epics-base-directory} (for example, setenv EPICS_BASE /proj/epics/R314/R3149/base) setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH `$EPICS_BASE/startup/EpicsHostArch.pl` ("`" is a back-quote character) echo $EPICS_HOST_ARCH (your platform name is printed like linux-x86_64, darwin-ppc, etc) $EPICS_BASE/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH/makeBaseApp.pl -t ioc Clock1 $EPICS_BASE/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH/makeBaseApp.pl -i -a $EPICS_HOST_ARCH -p Clock1 -t ioc Clock1
Clock1App/src/devAiSecond.c Clock1App/src/devAiSecond.h Clock1App/src/aiSecond.dbd Clock1App/Db/aiSecond.db
Clock1App/src/Makefile Clock1App/Db/Makefile iocBoot/iocClock1/st.cmd
mkdir log make |& tee log/clockapp.log cd iocBoot/iocClock1/ chmod +x st.cmd
../../bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH/Clock1 st.cmd epics> dbl epics> dbpr CO_TEST:CLOCK1:SEC1 4
aiSecond.db database defines two process variables. One of them is processed every second (SCAN: 1 second) and reads the realtime clock through the devAiSecond device support. It specifies a linear conversion (LINR: LINEAR, ASLO: 0.1, etc) to have one tenth of the "second" value. It also specifies several alarm conditions (HIHI: 5.5, HHSV: MAJOR, etc), and a MAJOR alram is generated if the value is equal or above 5.5.
aiSecond.dbd binds the record support "ai", the device support name "Second" (used in the database, aiSecond.db), and the dset structure "devAiSecond" (used in the device support, devAiSecond.c).
Further details how to develop EPICS IOC applications are described in IOC Application Developer's Guide.
export EPICS_BASE={your-epics-base-directory} (for example, export EPICS_BASE=/proj/epics/R314/R3149/base) export EPICS_HOST_ARCH=`$EPICS_BASE/startup/EpicsHostArch.pl` ("`" is a back-quote character) echo $EPICS_HOST_ARCH (your platform name is printed like linux-x86_64, darwin-ppc, etc) $EPICS_BASE/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH/makeBaseApp.pl -t ioc Clock1 $EPICS_BASE/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH/makeBaseApp.pl -i -a $EPICS_HOST_ARCH -p Clock1 -t ioc Clock1
Clock1App/src/devAiSecond.[ch] Clock1App/src/aiSecond.dbd Clock1App/Db/aiSecond.db
Clock1App/src/Makefile Clock1App/Db/Makefile iocBoot/iocClock1/st.cmd
mkdir log make 2>&1 | tee log/clockapp.log cd iocBoot/iocClock1/ chmod +x st.cmd
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