EPICS Seminar

20-22 August 2002, IHEP Beijing


1st day:  August 20 (Tuesday) Lecture Hall

General plan of BEPC II accelerators and their control system

9:00 Opening ceremony
Speech by Dr. Tadahiko Katoh

Speech by Prof. Zhang Chuang: “Progress of the project BEPCII
10:00 Progress of the BEPC2 controls Zhao Jijiu
10:40 Coffee break
11:00 Plan of the power supply control Wang Chunhong
11:30 EPICS progress at IHEP Lei Ge
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Application development of EPICS Xu Shifu
14:00 Linac control Kong Xiangcheng
14:30 BEPC2 timing system Ma Zhenhan
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Oracle database for BEPC2 Ma Mei
16:00 Phase control for linac accelerator Gao Wenchun
18:00 Reception(所長宴請)

2nd day:  August 21, Wednesday Lecture Hall

Talks about the technologies that can be used in BEPC II control system

9:00 Linux based IOC support and EPICS base Status M. Kraimer
9:40 Some Experiences on choosing standards at KEK T. Katoh
10:20 Coffee break
10:40 Use of SAD and Python with EPICS N. Yamamoto
11:20 EPICS at DESY and CANbus in detail R. Lange
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Database access interface libraries for applicaton programs written in python T. Nakamura
14:10 Comparisons among various EPICS implementation: PSI/SLS, KEK JAERI/KEK Join Project, etc. N. Kamikubota
14:50 Coffee break
15:10 Application of EPICS 3.14 on Linux - Network-based devices and Real-time extensions. J. Odagiri
15:50 Oracle database at BESSY R. Lange
16:30 Summary M. Kraimer

 3rd day:  August 22, Thursday (Lecture Hall)

Detailed discussions on the BEPC II control system with EPICS


Lecture Hall
1. Experiences and advice about EPICS (evaluation of the host software tools etc.)
2. Power supply and SC RF control issues
3. Using relational database (Oracle) in control system
12:00 Lunch
Lecture Hall
1. Transferring accelerator modeling applications
2. Development of hardware drivers in EPICS environment
3. Timing and phase controls
18:00 Banquet

Participants List
