E.7 DFCOM Routines (WNT, W9*)

DFCOM routines help you work with COM objects. To use a DFCOM routine, add the following statement to the program unit containing the routine:


Table E-7 summarizes DFCOM routines.

Table E-7 Summary of DFCOM Routines (WNT, W9*)

Name  Description 
COMAddObjectReference  Adds a reference to an object's interface. 
COMCLSIDFromProgID  Passes a programmatic identifier and returns the corresponding class identifier.  
COMCLSIDFromString  Passes a class identifier string and returns the corresponding class identifier. 
COMCreateObjectByGUID  Passes a class identifier, creates an instance of an object, and returns a pointer to the object's interface. 
COMCreateObjectByProgID  Passes a programmatic identifier, creates an instance of an object, and returns a pointer to the object's IDispatch interface. 
COMGetActiveObjectByGUID  Passes a class identifier and returns a pointer to the interface of a currently active object. 
COMGetActiveObjectByProgID  Passes a programmatic identifier and returns a pointer to the IDispatch interface of a currently active object. 
COMGetFileObject  Passes a file name and returns a pointer to the IDispatch interface of an Automation object that can manipulate the file. 
COMInitialize  Initializes the COM library. 
COMIsEqualGUID  Determines whether two globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) are the same. 
COMQueryInterface  Passes an interface identifier and returns a pointer to an object's interface. 
COMReleaseObject  Indicates that the program is done with a reference to an object's interface. 
COMStringFromGUID  Passes a globally unique identifier (GUID) and returns a string of printable characters. 
COMUninitialize  Uninitializes the COM library. 

For more information on these routines, see the Compaq Visual Fortran online Reference.

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