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Accompanying person′s programme

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to inform you of some arrangements currently being made for accompanying persons during IPAC'10.
The most important event will a tea party on Monday morning, 24 May, from 9:30 a.m. just after the opening ceremony in the “Swan” Room on the first floor of the Kyoto Conference Center.
The tea party will be followed by a special bus tour to a temple, including lunch at a Japanese restaurant, and by a lecture on Furoshiki (Japanese traditional wrapping cloth for up to 10 persons.
While the tea party is free of charge, the bus tour and lunch will cost 8,000 Japanese Yen. In order to plan efficiently for this special event, we need to know how many people will participate.
If you would like to participate, please fill out the form below. Payment can be made at the venue.
Please see the schedule below.


Everybody is invited (Free)

9:30-10:45 Tea party (coffee, English tea, Japanese tea, cake, candy, finger sandwich etc.)


Special Bus tour (8,000 Japanese Yen)

Sold Out!

11:00 Bus tour starts from Kyoto Conference Center (IPAC’10 venue)

11:15-11:45 Shisen-do temple
Shisen-do is well known for blooming azaleas in late May.


12:15-13:30 Lunch at Japanese restaurant, “Ganko”.
Ganko has a beautiful Japanese garden. It will be possible to take a walk in the garden before lunch.


14:00-15:00 Special lecture of “Furoshiki” (Japanese traditional wrapping cloth) for IPAC’10 participants.
Furoshiki, Japanese wrapping cloth, offers many kinds of wrapping, bag, bottle, gift, Kleenex (tissue) box and neckerchief.


16:00-16:30 arrive at Kyoto station, Karasuma Oike and Kyoto Conference Center

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Page last modified on May 17, 2010, at 01:34 PM