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Main: Programme

Scientific Programme

The scientific programme of the first IPAC (IPAC’10) is proposed by a Scientific Programme Committee (SPC), in collaboration with the International Organizing Committee (OC) with significant input from the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).

The conference will open at 09:00 on Monday, 24 May, sessions will begin at 08:30 from Tuesday 25 May onwards, and the conference will finish at around 13:00 on Friday, 28 May.

The scientific programme will be composed of 30-minute invited oral presentations and 20-minute contributed oral presentations.

Three plenary sessions will take place on Monday morning, Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, and a maximum of two oral sessions will take place in parallel for the rest of the time.

Poster Sessions will take place each afternoon from Monday to Thursday, 24 to 27 May, from 16:00 to 18:00. Since poster sessions are a focal point of the conference, and with the objective of making them as attractive, successful and rewarding as possible, the overlap between oral presentations and the poster sessions is reduced to a minimum to allow delegates to follow the full conference programme.

Questions concerning the scientific programme may be addressed to the SPC Chair, Akira Noda, or to the IPAC'10 Scientific Secretariat,Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz.

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Page last modified on August 03, 2009, at 08:53 PM