The Synoptic Table (PDF , PNG) provides an overview of all oral presentations scheduled during the conference.
The Abstracts Brochure (PDF) provides the full scientific programme including the abstracts.
The Abstracts Brochure for the Student Poster Session (PDF) to take place on Sunday, 23 May provides the abstracts for this special session.
(Click image for larger view)
The following table is an interactive scientific program.
Please click the session titles and presentation titles to expand into abstracts.
Mon, 24 May | Tue, 25 May | Wed, 26 May | Thu, 27 May | Fri, 28 May |
MOXAMH Special Opening PresentationChair: K. Oide (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) | ||
![]() | 09:30![]() | MOXAMH01A.Wagner (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) International Collaboration with High Energy Accelerators |
MOXBMH Circular CollidersChair: K. Oide (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) | ||
![]() | 10:00![]() | MOXBMH01S.Myers (European Organization for Nuclear Research DG) LHC Commissioning and First Operation |
![]() | 10:30![]() 11:00 | Coffee Break |
MOYAMH Synchrotron Light Sources and FELsChair: O.S. Brüning (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) | ||
![]() | 11:00![]() | MOYAMH01J.N.Galayda (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) The First Angstrom X-Ray Free-Electron Laser |
MOYBMH Hadron AcceleratorsChair: O.S. Brüning (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) | ||
![]() | 11:30![]() | MOYBMH01O.Kamigaito (RIKEN Nishina Center) World-wide Efforts on Rare Isotope and Radioactive Beams |
MOYCMH Applications of AcceleratorsChair: O.S. Brüning (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) | ||
![]() | 12:00![]() | MOYCMH01W.T.Chu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Relativistic Ion Beams for Treating Human Cancer |
![]() | 12:30![]() 14:00 | Lunch Break |
MOZMH Chair: G.-H. LuoHadron Accelerators (14:00 ![]() |
MOZRA Chair: K. WittenburgAccelerator Technology (14:00 ![]() |
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![]() | 14:00![]() | MOZMH01Y.Zhang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source) Experience and Lessons with the SNS Superconducting Linac |
14:30![]() | MOZMH02H.W.Zhao (Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Modern Physics) World-wide Development of Intense Highly Charged Superconducting ECR Ion Sources |
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![]() | 14:00![]() | MOZRA01F.Loehl (Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences and Education, Cornell University) High Current, High Brightness Electron Sources |
14:30![]() | MOZRA02C.-S.Hwang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Trends in the Development of Insertion Devices for a Future Synchrotron Light Source |
MOOCMH Chair: G.-H. LuoSynchrotron Light Sources and Circular Colliders (15:00 ![]() |
MOOCRA Chair: K. WittenburgAccelerator Technology (15:00 ![]() |
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![]() | 15:00![]() | MOOCMH01C.-C.Kuo (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Accelerator Physics Issues for the TPS |
15:20![]() | MOOCMH02T.Fujita (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Accelerator Division) Overview of Short Pulse X-ray Generation using Crab Cavities at SPring-8 | |
15:40![]() | MOOCMH03Y.Yamamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Beam Commissioning Status of Superconducting Crab Cavities in KEKB |
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![]() | 15:00![]() | MOOCRA01E.Todesco (European Organization for Nuclear Research AT Department) The Magnetic Model of the LHC in the Early Phase of Beam Commissioning |
15:20![]() | MOOCRA02G.Ambrosio (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Technical Division) Design and Test of the First Long Nb3Sn Quadrupole by LARP | |
15:40![]() | MOOCRA03J.M.Byrd (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Femtosecond Synchronization of Laser Systems for the LCLS |
MOPD Poster Session(16:00 ![]() |
MOPE Poster Session(16:00 ![]() |
MOPEA Poster Session(16:00 ![]() |
MOPEB Poster Session(16:00 ![]() |
MOPEC Poster Session(16:00 ![]() |
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![]() | MOPD001F.Meot (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique Direction des Sciences de la Matière IRFU) Spin Dynamics Simulations At AGS | ||||
MOPD002P.J.Spiller (GSI Helmholtzzentrum f. Schwerionenforschung mbH Accelerator Physics Division) Acceleration of Intermediate Charge State Heavy Ions in SIS18 | |||||
MOPD003P.J.Spiller (GSI Helmholtzzentrum f. Schwerionenforschung mbH Accelerator Physics Division) Engineering Status of SIS100 | |||||
MOPD004E.Feldmeier (Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum HIT Betriebs GmbH am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg) Magnetic Field Correction in Normal Conducting Synchrotrons | |||||
MOPD005J.-H.Jang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Design of PEFP RCS | |||||
MOPD007A.O.Sidorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Design of the Nuclotron Booster in the NICA Project | |||||
MOPD008A.O.Sidorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Status of the Nuclotron. 'Nuclotron-M' project | |||||
MOPD009A.O.Sidorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Injector Complex of the NICA Facility | |||||
MOPD010A.O.Sidorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Lattice of the NICA Collider Rings | |||||
MOPD011A.O.Sidorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Project of the Nuclotron-Based Ion Collider Facility (Nica) at JINR | |||||
MOPD012N.N.Alexeev (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) Routine Operation of ITEP-TWAC Facility and Machine Capabilities Development | |||||
MOPD013F.Formenti (European Organization for Nuclear Research Technology Department (TE)) Upgrade of the Quench Protection Systems for the Superconducting Circuits of the LHC Machine at CERN: From Concept and Design to the First Operational Experience | |||||
MOPD014S.Hancock (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Single-batch Filling of the CERN PS for LHC-type Beams | |||||
MOPD015K.Hanke (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Status of the Linac4 Project at CERN | |||||
MOPD016J.W.G.Thomason (Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ISIS Department) Injection Upgrades for the ISIS Synchrotron | |||||
MOPD017K.L.F.Bane (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Impedance Considerations for the Design of the Vacuum System of the CERN PS2 Proton Synchrotron | |||||
MOPD018P.Beasley (Siemens AG Healthcare Technology and Concepts) A New Life for High Voltage Electrostatic Accelerators | |||||
MOPD019S.Hatori (Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center) Tandem Accelerator as the Injector for the Medical-use Synchrotron at the Wakasa-wan Energy Research Center | |||||
MOPD020A.V.Semenov (Russian Academy of Sciences The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Ion Injector Based on Tandem Accelerator | |||||
MOPD021M.O.A.El Ghazaly (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology National Center for Mathematics and Physics) Low Energy Ion Injector at KACST | |||||
MOPD022G.A.Karamysheva (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Design of a Combined Fast and Slow Extraction for the Ultra-low Energy Storage Ring (USR) | |||||
MOPD023C.P.Welsch (Cockcroft Institute) DITANET - Investigations into Accelerator Beam Diagnostics | |||||
MOPD024J.Harasimowicz (Cockcroft Institute) Scintillating Screen Studies for Low Energy, Low Intensity Beams | |||||
MOPD025P.-E.Bernaudin (Grand Accélérateur Nat. d'Ions Lourds) Status of the SPIRAL 2 Superconducting LINAC | |||||
MOPD026A.France (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique Direction des Sciences de la Matière IRFU) Unsegmented vs. Segmented 4-Vane RFQ: Theory and Cold Model Experiments | |||||
MOPD027O.Piquet (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique Direction des Sciences de la Matière IRFU) The RF Design of the Linac4 RFQ | |||||
MOPD028P.Gerhard (GSI Helmholtzzentrum f. Schwerionenforschung mbH) Commissioning of a New CW Radio Frequency Quadrupole at GSI | |||||
MOPD029P.Hülsmann (GSI Helmholtzzentrum f. Schwerionenforschung mbH) Development of a new Broadband Accelerating System for the SIS18 Upgrade at GSI | |||||
MOPD030U.Bartz (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) The New CW RFQ Prototype | |||||
MOPD031R. M.Brodhage (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) Development And Measurements on a Coupled CH Proton Linac for FAIR | |||||
MOPD032M.Busch (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) Superconducting CH-Cavity Development | |||||
MOPD033N.Mueller (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) Simulation for a Beam Matching Section with RFQSIM | |||||
MOPD034N.Mueller (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) Beam measurements at the Frankfurt Funneling Experiment | |||||
MOPD035J.S.Schmidt (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) TUNING OF THE 4-ROD RFQ FOR MSU | |||||
MOPD036P.L.Till (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) Simulations of Buncher-cavities with Large Apertures | |||||
MOPD037C.Zhang (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) Recent Studies on a 3-17MeV DTL for EUROTRANS with Respect to RF Structures and Beam Dynamics | |||||
MOPD038F.Galluccio (Naples University Federico II and INFN) Back-to-Back Cavities for Very Low Energy High Power Side Coupled Linacs | |||||
MOPD039V.Antoni (Consorzio RFX Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione) Development of Neutral Beam Injector System for ITER: Activities at the Test Facility | |||||
MOPD040G.Serianni (Consorzio RFX Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione) Secondary Particles in the Acceleration Stage of High Current, High Voltage Neutral Beam Injectors: the Case of the Injectors of the Thermonuclear Fusion Experiment ITER | |||||
MOPD041M.Ikegami (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Recent Progress in the Beam Commissioning of J-PARC Linac | |||||
MOPD042Ch.Vermare (IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team International Fusion Energy Research Centre) Commissionning of the IFMIF/EVEDA Accelerator Prototype -- Objectives & Plans | |||||
MOPD043Y.Kondo (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAEA and KEK Joint Project (J-PARC)) Thermal Characteristics of a New RFQ for J-PARC | |||||
MOPD044T.Morishita (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAEA and KEK Joint Project (J-PARC)) Fabrication of the New RFQ for the J-PARC Linac | |||||
MOPD045L.Lu (Research Laboratory for Nuclear Research Tokyo Institute of Technology) Design and Simulation of C6+ Hybrid Single Cavity Linac for Cancer Therapy | |||||
MOPD046K.Yamada (RIKEN Nishina Center) Construction of New Injector Linac for RI Beam Factory at RIKEN Nishina Center | |||||
MOPD047Q.Z.Xing (Tsinghua University in Beijing Accelerator Laboratory Department of Engineering Physics) Design of the CPHS RFQ Linac at Tsinghua University | |||||
MOPD048S.X.Zheng (Tsinghua University in Beijing Accelerator Laboratory Department of Engineering Physics) Primary Design of DTL for CPHS | |||||
MOPD049Y.-S.Cho (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Conceptual Design of 50MHz RFQ for Rare Isotope Beams | |||||
MOPD050H.-J.Kwon (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Operation of the PEFP 20MeV Proton Linac at KAERI | |||||
MOPD051G.Hahn (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Science Laboratory of Accelerator Development) Design of KONUS IH-DTL for a Medical Accelerator | |||||
MOPD052V.A.Andreev (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) Progress Work on High-current Heavy Ion Linac for ITEP TWAC Facility | |||||
MOPD053M.Eshraqi (European Spallation Source) Conceptual Design of the ESS LINAC | |||||
MOPD054S.J.Mathot (European Organization for Nuclear Research Engineering Department (EN)) Mechanical Design, Brazing and Assembly Procedures of the Linac4 RFQ | |||||
MOPD055V.A.Bomko (National Science Centre Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology) Accelerating Structures Pre-stripping Section the MILAC Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator | |||||
MOPD056P.Savage (Imperial College of Science and Technology Department of Physics Blackett Laboratory) The Mechanical Engineering Design of the FETS RFQ | |||||
MOPD057S.R.Lawrie (Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ISIS Department) Assessing the Transmission of the H- Ion Beam on the Front End Test Stand | |||||
MOPD058S.R.Lawrie (Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ISIS Department) Combined Electromagnetic-Thermal-Structural Simulation of the Four-metre Radio Frequency Quadrupole to be Installed on the Front End Test Stand | |||||
MOPD059D.C.Plostinar (Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Accelerator Science and Technology Centre) MEBT Design for the RAL Front End Test Stand | |||||
MOPD060M.J.Easton (Imperial College of Science and Technology Department of Physics Blackett Laboratory) Design Optimisation and Particle Tracking Simulations for PAMELA Injector RFQ | |||||
MOPD061V.P.Yakovlev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) 650 MHz Option for High-energy Part of the Project X linac | |||||
MOPD062S.S.Kurennoy (Los Alamos National Laboratory) H-Mode Accelerating Structures with PMQ Focusing for Low-Beta Ion Beams | |||||
MOPD063A.V.Aleksandrov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source) Experimental Study of the SNS MEBT Chopper Performance | |||||
MOPD064T.Katayama (GSI Helmholtzzentrum f. Schwerionenforschung mbH) Bunched Beam Stochastic Cooling at COSY | |||||
MOPD065T.Katayama (GSI Helmholtzzentrum f. Schwerionenforschung mbH) Beam Accumulation with Barrier Voltage and Stochastic Cooling | |||||
MOPD066M.Steck (GSI Helmholtzzentrum f. Schwerionenforschung mbH) A Novel Method for the Preparation of Cooled Rare Isotope Beams | |||||
MOPD067J.Dietrich (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Institut für Kernphysik) Status of the 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY/ HESR | |||||
MOPD068H.Stockhorst (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Institut für Kernphysik) Stochastic Momentum Cooling Experiments with a Barrier Bucket Cavity and Internal Targets at COSY-Juelich in Preparation for HESR at FAIR | |||||
MOPD069E.Benedetto (National Technical University of Athens) Ionization Cooling in a Low-energy ion Ring with Internal Target for Beta-beams Production | |||||
MOPD070T.Kikuchi (Nagaoka University of Technology) Numerical Study on Simultaneous Use of Stochastic Cooling and Electron Cooling with Internal Target at COSY | |||||
MOPD071T.Hiromasa (Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research Advanced Research Center for Beam Science) Horizontal-Vertical Coupling for Three Dimensional Laser Cooling* | |||||
MOPD072M.Nakao (Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research Advanced Research Center for Beam Science) Optical Measurement of Transverse Laser Cooling with Synchro-Betatron Coupling* | |||||
MOPD073H.Souda (Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research Advanced Research Center for Beam Science) Transverse Laser Cooling by Synchro-betatron Coupling | |||||
MOPD074H.Tongu (Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research Advanced Research Center for Beam Science) Beam Lifetime with the Vacuum System in S-LSR | |||||
MOPD075A.V.Shemyakin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Effect of Secondary Ions on the Electron Beam Optics in the Recycler Electron Cooler | |||||
MOPD076K.Yonehara (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) A Helical Cooling Channel System for Muon Colliders | |||||
MOPD077G.Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Progress on Analytical Modeling of Coherent Electron Cooling | |||||
MOPD078S.G.Arutunian (Yerevan Physics Institute) Large Aperture Electron Beam Scan with Vibrating Wire Monitor in Air | |||||
MOPD079K.P.Wootton (Monash University Faculty of Science School of Physics) A Novel Synchrotron Radiation Interferometer for the Australian Synchrotron | |||||
MOPD080E.D.van Garderen (Australian Synchrotron Company) Upgrade of the Booster Beam Position Monitors at the Australian Synchrotron | |||||
MOPD081V.A.Verzilov (TRIUMF Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics) Progress with Low Intensity Diagnostics at ISAC | |||||
MOPD082M.Kalliokoski (Helsinki Institute of Physics) GEM-TPC Trackers for the Super-FRS at FAIR | |||||
MOPD083P.Kuske (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH) Improvements of the Set-up and Procedures for Beam Energy Measurements at BESSY II | |||||
MOPD084C.Koschitzki (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt Institut Berlin) Highly sensitive beam size monitor for pA currents at the MLS electron storage ring | |||||
MOPD085M.Eberhardt (Bonn University Physics Institute ELSA) Measurement and Correction of the Longitudinal and Transversal Tunes during the Fast Energy Ramp at ELSA | |||||
MOPD086M.Ruf (Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg Lehrstuhl fur Hochfrequenztechnik) Beam Position Monitoring Based on Higher Beam Harmonics for Application in Compact Medical and Industrial Linear Electron Accelerators | |||||
MOPD087V.Balandin (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Error Emittance and Error Twiss Functions in the Problem of Reconstruction of Difference Orbit Parameters by Usage of BPM's with Finite Resolution | |||||
MOPD088G.Kube (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Resolution Studies of Inorganic Scintillation Screens for High Energy and High Brilliance Electron Beams | |||||
MOPD089G.Kube (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) PETRA III Diagnostics Beamline for Emittance Measurements | |||||
MOPD090C.Behrens (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Upgrade and Evaluation of the Bunch Compression Monitor at the Free-electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) | |||||
MOPD091R.Tarkeshian (Hamburg University Institut fuer Experimentalphysik) Femtosecond Temporal Overlap of Injected Electron Beam and EUV Pulse at sFLASH | |||||
MOPD092M.Grieser (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik) The Diagnostics System at the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR | |||||
MOPD093V.Kamerdzhiev (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Institut für Kernphysik) Nondestructive Beam Instrumentation and Electron Cooling Beam Studies at COSY | |||||
MOPD094A.Hofmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Laboratory for Application of Synchrotron Radiation (LAS)) Single Bunch Operation at ANKA: Gun Performance, Timing and First Results | |||||
MOPD095M.Dehn (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Fachbereich Physik Institut für Kernphysik) Various Improvements to Operate the 1.5 GeV HDSM at MAMI | |||||
MOPD096H.S.Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of High Energy Physics Accelerator Center) Plannar Microchannel Target | |||||
MOPD097D.La Civita (Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. ELETTRA) FERMI@Elettra Low-Energy RF Deflector FEM Analysis | |||||
MOPD098A.Bocci (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati) Fast IR Array Detector for Transverse Beam Diagnostics at DAFNE | |||||
MOPD099D.Filippetto (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati) High Brightness Beam Measurement Techniques and Analysis at SPARC | |||||
MOPD100V.Nassisi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Lecce) Very Fast Capacitive Probe for Electron Beams Pulses | |||||
MOPD102K.Katagiri (National Institute of Radiological Sciences Division of Accelerator Physics and Engineering) Space Charge Analysis on the Multi-wire Proportional Chamber for the High Rate Incident Beams | |||||
MOPD103H.Kashiwagi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute) Development of an Apparatus for Measuring Transverse Phase-space Acceptance |
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![]() | MOPE001H.Higaki (Hiroshima University Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Department of Quantum Matter) A Tank Circuit Monitoring a Large Number of Antiprotons in MUSASHI | ||||
MOPE002S.Matsuba (Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science Department of Physical Science) Deflecting Cavity for Bunch Length Diagnostics at Compact ERL Injector | |||||
MOPE003H.Maesaka (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research SPring-8 Joint-Project for XFEL) Development of a Multi-stripline Beam Position Monitor for a Wide Flat Beam of XFEL/SPring-8 | |||||
MOPE004S.Matsubara (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research SPring-8 Joint-Project for XFEL) Development and Construction Status of the Beam Diagnostic System for XFEL/SPring-8 | |||||
MOPE005S.Sasaki (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Accelerator Division) Countermeasure to Suppress the Filling Pattern Dependence of the BPM Electronics of SPring-8 Storage Ring | |||||
MOPE006H.Tomizawa (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute SPring-8 Joint-Project for XFEL) Feasibility Study of Radial EO-sampling Monitor to Measure 3D Bunch Charge Distributions with a Resolution of Femtosecond | |||||
MOPE007J.W.Flanagan (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Measurement of Low-Emittance Beam with Coded Aperture X Ray Optics at CesrTA | |||||
MOPE008H.Ikeda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Improved Measurement of Crabbing Angle by a Streak Camera at KEKB | |||||
MOPE009T.Naito (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Improvement of the Resolution of SR Interferometer at KEK-ATF Damping Ring | |||||
MOPE010Y.Tanimoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Accelerator Laboratory) Observation of Dust Trapping Using Video Cameras | |||||
MOPE011M.Tejima (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Accelerator Laboratory) Shot-by-shot Beam Position Monitor System for Beam Transport Line from RCS to MR in J-PARC | |||||
MOPE012T.Toyama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Performance of the Main Ring BPM during the Beam Commissioning at J-PARC | |||||
MOPE013K.Yoshimura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Measurements of Proton Beam Extinction at J-PARC | |||||
MOPE014Y.Hashimoto (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Tokai Campus) Development of a Nondestructive Beam Profile Monitor using a Sheeted Nitrogen-molecular Beam | |||||
MOPE015K.Satou (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Tokai Campus) Application of a Single-Wire Proportional Counter to the Beam Loss Monitoring at J-PARC MR | |||||
MOPE016M.Hosaka (Nagoya University Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Beam Monitor System for Central Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Facility | |||||
MOPE017H.Sakamoto (Osaka University) Status of the MICE Tracker System | |||||
MOPE018K.Shinto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency International Fusion Energy Research Center (IFERC) IFMIF Development Group) A Negative Ion Beam Probe for Diagnostics of a High Intensity Ion Beam | |||||
MOPE019K.Nanbu (Tohoku University School of Scinece Laboratory of Nuclear Science) A Direct Measurement of the Longitudinal Phase Space for a Low Energy Electron Beam Using Energy Dependent Angular Distribution of Cherenkov Radiation | |||||
MOPE020N.Hayashi (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAEA and KEK Joint Project (J-PARC)) Beam Based Alignment of the Beam Position Monitor at J-PARC RCS | |||||
MOPE021A.Miura (Japan Atomic Energy Agency J-PARC Center) Operational Performance of Wire Scanner Monitor in J-PARC Linac | |||||
MOPE022Y.Kamiya (University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics) Development of Shintake Beam Size Monitor for ATF2 | |||||
MOPE023Y.Yamaguchi (University of Tokyo Physics) Evaluation of Expected Performance of Shintake Beam Size Monitor for ATF2 | |||||
MOPE024A.Toyoda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies) Development of Radiation Registant Optics System for High Intensity Proton Beamline at the J-PARC | |||||
MOPE025S.Varnasseri (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization SESAME) Status for Beam Diagnostics of SESAME | |||||
MOPE026Y.F.Sui (Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of High Energy Physics Accelerator Center) The Wire Scanner at BEPCII | |||||
MOPE027D.Wu (Tsinghua University in Beijing Accelerator Laboratory Department of Engineering Physics) Simulations for the Measurements of Longitudinal Bunch Profile using Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation | |||||
MOPE028J.Fang (University of Science and Technology of China National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory) Analysis and Calculation of Beam Energy Spread Monitor for HLS LINAC | |||||
MOPE029Q.Luo (University of Science and Technology of China National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory) Cold Test of S-band Re-entrant Cavity BPM for HLS | |||||
MOPE030T.J.Ma (University of Science and Technology of China National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory) Bunch-by-bunch Beam Current Monitor for HLS | |||||
MOPE031M.Meng (University of Science and Technology of China National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory) Control and Analysis System for Digital Feedback in HLS | |||||
MOPE032L.L.Tang (University of Science and Technology of China National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory) Application of the Gige Vision Digital Camera for Beam Diagnostics in HLS | |||||
MOPE033Y.C.Xu (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) A New Beam Profile Diagnostic System based on the Industrial Ethernet | |||||
MOPE034Y.B.Leng (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility) Data Acquisition for SSRF Ring Bunch Charge Monitor | |||||
MOPE035Y.I.Kim (Kyungpook National University Physics Department) Development of Electronics for the ATF2 Interaction Point Region Beam Position Monitor | |||||
MOPE036Y.-G.Song (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Preliminary Implementation for RF and Beam Current Monitor Using EPICS | |||||
MOPE037J.Y.Ryu (Kyungpook National University) Measurement of Beam Size at Pohang Light Source | |||||
MOPE038C.Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Optimization of Two Dimensional SR Interferometer | |||||
MOPE039C.M.Yim (Pohang University of Science and Technology Physics Department) Beam Parameter Measurements of fs-THz Linac at PAL | |||||
MOPE040A.A.Drozdovsky (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) Investigation of the Formation of a Hollow Beam in the Plasma Lens | |||||
MOPE041A.Feschenko (Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for Nuclear Research) Peculiarities of Bunch Shape Measurements of High Intensity Ion Beams | |||||
MOPE042V.E.Blinov (Russian Academy of Sciences The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Measurement of the Energy Dependence of Touschek Electron Counting Rate | |||||
MOPE043A.V.Tyukhtin (Saint-Petersburg State University Radiophysics Department) Reversed Cherenkov-transition Radiation and Prospect of its Application to Beam Diagnostics | |||||
MOPE044A.V.Tyukhtin (Saint-Petersburg State University Radiophysics Department) Particle Energy Determination Technique Based on Waveguide Mode Frequency Measurement | |||||
MOPE045G.A.Naumenko (Tomsk Polytechnic University Nuclear Physics Institute) Simple Coherent Diffraction Radiation Technique for Bunch Length Measurement | |||||
MOPE046A.Potylitsyn (Tomsk Polytechnic University Physical-Technical Department) Coherent Cherenkov Radiation from a Short bunch Passing near a Target and Possibility of a Bunch Length Diagnostics | |||||
MOPE047P.Leban (Instrumentation Technologies) Photon Beam Position Measurements using CVD Diamond based Beam Position Sensor and Libera Photon at Swiss Light Source | |||||
MOPE049R.Enparantza (Fundación TEKNIKER) Beam Stop Design and Construction for the Front End Test Stand at ISIS | |||||
MOPE050J.Alabau-Gonzalvo (Instituto de Física Corpuscular Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas University of Valencia) Multi Optical Transition Radiation System for ATF2 | |||||
MOPE051A.Faus-Golfe (Instituto de Física Corpuscular Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas University of Valencia) Development and Test Benchmarks of the Beam Position Monitor Series for the TBL line of the CTF3 at CERN | |||||
MOPE052B.Cheymol (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Design of the Emittance Meter for the 3 and 12 MeV LINAC4 H~ Beam | |||||
MOPE053B.Cheymol (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Commissioning of the LINAC4 Ion Source Transverse Emittance Meter | |||||
MOPE054S.Federmann (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Design of a 1.42 GHz Spin-Flip Cavity for Antihydrogen Atoms | |||||
MOPE055A.Jeff (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Design for a Longitudinal Density Monitor for the LHC | |||||
MOPE056D.Egger (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Design and Results of a Time Resolved Spectrometer for the 5 MeV Photoinjector for CTF3 PHIN | |||||
MOPE057T.Lefevre (European Organization for Nuclear Research) First Beam Measurements with the LHC Synchrotron Light Monitors | |||||
MOPE058A.E.Dabrowski (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Measuring the Bunch Frequency Multiplication at CTF3 | |||||
MOPE059M.Ludwig (European Organization for Nuclear Research AB Department) Commissioning and First Performance of the LHC Beam Current Measurement Systems | |||||
MOPE060M.Olvegaard (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Spectrometry in the Test Beam Line at CTF3 | |||||
MOPE061J.Spanggaard (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Gas Electron Multipliers for Low Energy Beams | |||||
MOPE062R.J.Steinhagen (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Continuous Measurement and Control of Beta-Beating in the LHC | |||||
MOPE063P.-A.Duperrex (Paul Scherrer Institute) New On-line Gain Drift Compensation for Resonant Current Monitor under Heavy Heat Load | |||||
MOPE064B.Keil (Paul Scherrer Institute) The European XFEL Beam Position Monitor System | |||||
MOPE065D.Reggiani (Paul Scherrer Institute) Transverse Phase-space Beam Tomography at PSI and SNS Proton Accelerators | |||||
MOPE066P.C.Chiu (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Application of BPM Data to Locate Noise Source | |||||
MOPE068A.Kalinin (Science and Technology Facilities Council Daresbury Laboratory Accelerator Science and Technology Centre) Diagnostic System Commissioning of the EMMA NS-FFAG Facility at Daresbury Laboratory | |||||
MOPE069T.Aumeyr (John Adams Institute) A 2-D Laser-wire Scanner at PETRA-III | |||||
MOPE070S.T.Boogert (John Adams Institute) Cavity Beam Position Monitor System for ATF2 | |||||
MOPE071M.Micheler (John Adams Institute) Coherent Diffraction Radiation Longitudinal Beam Profile Monitor for CTF3 | |||||
MOPE072G.H.Welsh (University of Strathclyde Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Department of Physics) Electron Beam Quality Measurements on the ALPHA-X Laser-plasma Wakefield Accelerator | |||||
MOPE073M.Putignano (The University of Liverpool Department of Physics) Optimization Studies of Planar Supersonic Gas-jets for Beam Profile Monitor Applications | |||||
MOPE074P.Burrows (John Adams Institute) Development of a Fast, Single-pass, Micron-resolution Beam Position Monitor Signal Processor: Beam Test Results from ATF2 | |||||
MOPE076N.Delerue (John Adams Institute) Longitudinal Bunch Profile Diagnostics in the 50-femtoseconds Range using Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation | |||||
MOPE077N.Delerue (John Adams Institute) Observation of a H- Beam at the CERN Linac 4 Test Stand using a Pepper-pot | |||||
MOPE078N.Delerue (John Adams Institute) Transverse Emittance Measurement at High Energy using Long Pepper-pot | |||||
MOPE079M.A.Rayner (Oxford University Physics Department Particle and Nuclear Physics) The MICE PID Detector System | |||||
MOPE080C.A.Thomas (Diamond Light Source Ltd) Single Shot Emittance Measurement from Beam Size Measurement in a Drift Section | |||||
MOPE081C.A.Thomas (Diamond Light Source Ltd) Performance of a Streak Camera using Reflective Input Optics | |||||
MOPE082L.Shaw (ZTEC Instruments) Off-the-shelf EPICS Instrumentation for Remote Waveform Monitoring & Analysis | |||||
MOPE083S.Xu (Argonne National Laboratory Advanced Photon Source) Comparative Measurements of Libera Brilliance and BSP100 | |||||
MOPE084Y.Alexahin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Tune Evaluation from Phased BPM Turn-by-turn Data | |||||
MOPE085Y.Alexahin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Rapid-cycling Synchrotron with Variable Momentum Compaction | |||||
MOPE087A.Lunin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Submicron Multi-bunch BPM for CLIC | |||||
MOPE088S.De Santis (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Center for Beam Physics) TE Wave Measurements of the Electron Cloud in the Cesr-TA Ring | |||||
MOPE089M.A.Palmer (Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences and Education, Cornell University) CESR Beam Position Monitor System Upgrade for CesrTA and CHESS Operations | |||||
MOPE090D.P.Peterson (Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences and Education, Cornell University) CesrTA x-Ray Beam Size Monitor Operation | |||||
MOPE091M.G.Billing (Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences and Education, Cornell University) Techniques for Observation of Beam Dynamics in the Presence of an Electron Cloud | |||||
MOPE092G.Andonian (RadiaBeam Technologies) Ultrashort Bunch Length Diagnostic with Sub-femtosecond Resolution | |||||
MOPE093R.B.Agustsson (RadiaBeam Technologies) A High Resolution Transverse Diagnostic based on Fiber Optics | |||||
MOPE094L.Faillace (RadiaBeam Technologies) X-band Travelling Wave Deflector for Ultra-fast Beams Diagnostics | |||||
MOPE095A.Y.Murokh (RadiaBeam Technologies) A 10 MHz Pulsed Laser Wire Scanner for Energy Recovery Linacs | |||||
MOPE096G.Andonian (RadiaBeam Technologies) Progress Report on the Development of the Real Time Interferometer for Bunch Length Determination | |||||
MOPE097N.Sunilkumar (University of Southern California) Characterization of Slow Orbit Motion in the SPEAR3 | |||||
MOPE100M.D.Hildreth (University of Notre Dame) The Straightness Monitor System at ATF2 | |||||
MOPE101Y.Liu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Parasitic Profile Measurement of 1 MW Neutron Production Beam at SNS Superconducting Linac | |||||
MOPE102B.N.Laprade (PHOTONIS USA) Charged Particle Beam Imaging System | |||||
MOPE103M.Bai (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Commissioning of RHIC Spin Flipper | |||||
MOPE104P.Ilinski (Brookhaven National Laboratory National Synchrotron Light Source II) Residual Gas X-ray Beam Position Monitor for PETRA III |
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![]() | MOPEA001A.S.Chauchat (THALES Communications) Production and Characterisation of Inverse Compton Scattering X-rays with a 17 MeV Electron Beam | ||||
MOPEA002A.Denker (Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbH) Eye Tumour Therapy in Berlin | |||||
MOPEA003B.Schlitt (GSI Helmholtzzentrum f. Schwerionenforschung mbH) Linac Commissioning at the Italian Hadrontherapy Centre CNAO | |||||
MOPEA004M.Braeuer (Siemens AG Medical Solutions Particle Therapy) Accelerators Tailored for Medical Use in Particle Therapy | |||||
MOPEA005P.Urschütz (Siemens AG Medical Solutions Particle Therapy) Status of the SIEMENS Particle Therapy Accelerators | |||||
MOPEA006A.Peters (Heidelberg Ionenstrahl-Therapie Centrum HIT Betriebs GmbH am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg) Operational Status and Further Enhancements of the HIT Accelerator Facility | |||||
MOPEA007T.Furukawa (National Institute of Radiological Sciences Division of Accelerator Physics and Engineering) Fast Raster Scanning System for HIMAC New Treatment Facility | |||||
MOPEA008Y.Iwata (National Institute of Radiological Sciences Division of Accelerator Physics and Engineering) Multiple-energy Operation with Quasi-DC Extension of a Flattops at HIMAC | |||||
MOPEA009T.Shirai (National Institute of Radiological Sciences Division of Accelerator Physics and Engineering) Beam Transport Line and Gantry Design for New Treatment Facility at HIMAC | |||||
MOPEA010T.Natsui (University of Tokyo Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory) Beam Measurement Experiment of X-band Linac for Compton Scattering X-ray Generation | |||||
MOPEA012T.Iga (Hitachi, Ltd. Energy and Environmental System Laboratory) A Compact and High-Proton-Yield Microwave Ion Source for Proton Linac | |||||
MOPEA013M.Nishiuchi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Laser-driven Proton Accelerator for Medical Application | |||||
MOPEA014A.Yogo (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) DNA Double-Strand Break Induction in A549 Cells with a Single-Bunch Beam of Laser-Accelerated Protons | |||||
MOPEA015H.Sakaki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency Photo Medical Research Center) Calculation of Radiation Shielding for Laser-Driven Hadron Beams Therapeutic Instrument | |||||
MOPEA016H.Chen (Tsinghua University in Beijing Accelerator Laboratory Department of Engineering Physics) The Beam Characteristics of Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy 6MeV Standing Wave Accelerating Tube | |||||
MOPEA017Q.X.Jin (Tsinghua University in Beijing Accelerator Laboratory Department of Engineering Physics) Developing of a C-Band 9 MeV / 6 MeV SW Electron Linear Accelerating Tube | |||||
MOPEA018M.H.Jung (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Study of the Installtion of a Small Animal Experiment Equipment in a MC-50 Cyclotron LEPT Beam Line | |||||
MOPEA019D.G.Kim (Seoul National University School of Physics) Study on the Injection System for Compact Cyclotron Mass Spectrometry | |||||
MOPEA020M.Benedikt (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Overview of the MedAustron Design and Technology Choices | |||||
MOPEA021K.J.Peach (John Adams Institute) PAMELA Overview and Status | |||||
MOPEA022S.L.Sheehy (John Adams Institute) PAMELA: Lattice Solution for a Medical C6+ Therapy Facility | |||||
MOPEA023S.L.Sheehy (John Adams Institute) Engaging Schools and the Public with Accelerator Physics | |||||
MOPEA025K.J.Bertsche (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Accelerator Production Options for 99Mo | |||||
MOPEA026D.Trbojevic (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Update on the Innovative Carbon/Proton Non-scaling FFAG Isocentric Gantries for the Cancer Therapy | |||||
MOPEA028D.Trbojevic (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Lattice Design for the ERL Electron Ion Collider in RHIC | |||||
MOPEA029L.Velardi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Lecce) Ion Beams by Laser Ion Source for Modification of Polymers | |||||
MOPEA030K.Lee (The University of Tokyo Nuclear Professional School School of Engineering) Material Recognition System using 950 keV X-band Linac with Dual Energy X-ray Scintillator Array | |||||
MOPEA031H.Ryuto (Kyoto University Photonics and Electronics Science and Engineering Center) Application of Liquid Cluster Ion Beams in Surface Processing | |||||
MOPEA032M.Takeuchi (Kyoto University Photonics and Electronics Science and Engineering Center) Carbon Implantation by Polyatomic Ion Source of Organic Liquids | |||||
MOPEA033S.Okuda (Osaka Prefecture University) Characteristics of the Electron Linac Based Coherent Radiation Light Source at OPU | |||||
MOPEA034N.Hayashizaki (Research Laboratory for Nuclear Research Tokyo Institute of Technology) Study of Positron Production System using Superconducting Electron Linac | |||||
MOPEA035Y.Hosaka (Waseda University Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering) Pulse Radiolysis with Supercontinuum Probe Generated by PCF | |||||
MOPEA036K.Sakaue (Waseda University Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering) Design of High Brightness Light Source based on Laser-Compton Undulator for EUV Lithography Mask Inspection | |||||
MOPEA037S.J.Ra (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Activation and Discoloration of Polymer by Proton Beam | |||||
MOPEA038P.Gladkikh (National Science Centre Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology) Gamma-Ray Source for Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence Based on Compton Storage Ring | |||||
MOPEA039Y.Kuriyama (Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute) Beam Study for FFAG Accelerator at KURRI | |||||
MOPEA040C.Bungau (Manchester University Department of Physics and Astronomy) Study on Neutronics Design of an Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor | |||||
MOPEA041R.P.Johnson (Muons, Inc) High Power SRF Linacs for ADS Reactors | |||||
MOPEA043A.Afanasev (Muons, Inc) Quasi-Monoenergetic Photon Source Based on Electron-Positron In-Flight Annihilation | |||||
MOPEA044R.J.Abrams (Muons, Inc) Quasi-monochromatic Positrons using Dipole and Wedge | |||||
MOPEA045C. Y.Yoshikawa (Muons, Inc) Positron Production for a Compact Tunable Intense Gamma Ray Source | |||||
MOPEA047S.Boucher (RadiaBeam Technologies) Design of a Compact, Inexpensive Linac for Use in Self-contained Irradiators | |||||
MOPEA048J.-L.Revol (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) Highlights of Accelerator Activities in France on behalf of the Accelerator Division of the French Physics Society | |||||
MOPEA049N.A.Tahir (GSI Helmholtzzentrum f. Schwerionenforschung mbH) Application of Particle Accelerators to High Energy Density Physics Research: The HEDgeHOB Collaboration | |||||
MOPEA050T.S.Dixit (SAMEER Medical Electronic Division) Development of a prototype 15 MeV Electron Linac | |||||
MOPEA051L.Dassa (Università di Brescia Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale) Preliminary Design of the AEGIS Test Facility | |||||
MOPEA052A.S.Aryshev (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Sub-micrometer Resolution Transverse Electron Beam Size Measurement System based on Optical Transition Radiation | |||||
MOPEA053A.S.Aryshev (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) A Compact Soft X-ray Source based on Thomson Scattering of Coherent Diffraction Radiation | |||||
MOPEA055T.Sakai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Accelerator Laboratory) Development of the Focusing System for a Highly Bright X-ray Generator | |||||
MOPEA056Y.Takeda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Accelerator Laboratory) Lifetime Measurement of HBC Stripper Foil using 3.2 MeV Ne+ for RCS of J-PARC | |||||
MOPEA057K.Hirata (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) Social Aspects of Japanese High Energy Accelerators | |||||
MOPEA058Y.Hayashi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency Advanced Photon Research Center) Measurement of the Parametric X-rays with the Rocking Curve Method | |||||
MOPEA059T.Nakamura (Japan Atomic Energy Agency Kansai Photon Science Institute) Laser Acceleration of Negative Ions by Coulomb Impolsion Mechanism | |||||
MOPEA060M.Kawase (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAEA and KEK Joint Project (J-PARC)) Reconstructions of the Control System for the Charge Exchange System at the 3GeV RCS in J-PARC | |||||
MOPEA061S.Ito (The University of Tokyo School of Engineering) Status Report on RAPID, 1.7MV Tandem Accelerator System, the University of Tokyo | |||||
MOPEA062R.Kuroda (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology Research Institute of Instrumentation Frontier) Development of Advanced Quantum Radiation Source based on S-band Compact Electron Linac | |||||
MOPEA063N.Oshima (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology Research Institute of Instrumentation Frontier) Development of a Positron Probe Microanalyzer | |||||
MOPEA064K.Sasa (University of Tsukuba Tandem Accelerator Complex) Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at the Tsukuba 12 MV Pelletron Tandem Accelerator | |||||
MOPEA065K.Kondo (Department of Energy Sciences Tokyo Institute of Technology) DPIS for Warm Dense Matter | |||||
MOPEA066R.K.Li (Tsinghua University in Beijing Accelerator Laboratory Department of Engineering Physics) Recent Progress of MeV Ultrafast Electron Diffraction at Tsinghua University | |||||
MOPEA067J.Q.Qiu (Tsinghua University in Beijing Accelerator Laboratory Department of Engineering Physics) PIC Simulation of the Coaxial Magnetron for Low Energy X-band Linear Accelerators | |||||
MOPEA068M.G.Hur (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) The High Current Solid Target for the RFT-30 30MeV Cyclotron | |||||
MOPEA069J.-K.Kil (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Platinum Nano Particle Synthesis by Proton Beam Irradiation | |||||
MOPEA070K. R.Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Development of theTarget System for Large-Area Uniform Irradiation Using 2D Motional Stage | |||||
MOPEA071I.J.Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) The Solid Target Control System for the RFT-30 30 MeV Cyclotron in KAERI | |||||
MOPEA072E.H.Lee (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Matlab Middle Layer Implementation in PLS Storage Ring | |||||
MOPEA074W.C.Cheng (National Chiao Tung University Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering) Resonant Transition Radiation Induced by an Ultrashort Electron Bunch from Aluminium Foil Stack | |||||
MOPEA075A.Bungau (University of Huddersfield) GEANT4 Validation Studies at the ISIS Muon Facility | |||||
MOPEA076A.Bungau (University of Huddersfield) Geometry Optimization of the ISIS Muon Target | |||||
MOPEA077A.Bungau (University of Huddersfield) Material Studies for the ISIS Muon Target | |||||
MOPEA078A.Bungau (University of Huddersfield) Target Optimisation Studies for the European Spallation Source | |||||
MOPEA079A.Bungau (University of Huddersfield) Impact of the Energy of the Proton Driver on Muon Production | |||||
MOPEA080C.Sun (Free Electron Laser Laboratory Duke University) Electron Beam Polarization Measurement using Touschek Lifetime Technique | |||||
MOPEA081C.Sun (Free Electron Laser Laboratory Duke University) A Semi-analytical Algorithm for Modelling Compton Gamma-ray beams | |||||
MOPEA082S.-Y.Lee (Indiana University Cyclotron Facility) The ALPHA Project at IU CEEM | |||||
MOPEA083P.Muggli (University of California, Los Angeles Accelerator Division) Using High-brightness Particle Beams for Astrophysics Experiments in the Laboratory | |||||
MOPEA084C.M.Scoby (University of California, Los Angeles Department of Physics and Astronomy) Timestamping for Relativistic Electron Diffraction | |||||
MOPEA085X.J.Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory National Synchrotron Light Source) The NSLS MeV UED Commissioning Results |
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![]() | MOPEC001M.H.Lieng (Dortmund University Physics Department) Numerical Analysis of Machine Background in the LHCb Experiment for the Early and Nominal Operation of LHC | ||||
MOPEC002B.J.Holzer (European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN Accelerator School) Dynamic Aperture Studies and Field Quality Considerations for the LHC Upgrade Optics | |||||
MOPEC003K.Fuchsberger (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Operational Experience during Initial Beam Commissioning of the LHC | |||||
MOPEC004K.Foraz (European Organization for Nuclear Research) First LHC Shutdown: Coordination and Schedule Issues | |||||
MOPEC005K.Fuchsberger (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Kick Response Measurements during LHC Injection Tests and Early LHC Beam Commissioning | |||||
MOPEC006K.Fuchsberger (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) JMAD - Integration of MADX into the JAVA World | |||||
MOPEC007K.Fuchsberger (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Operational Experience during the LHC Injection Tests | |||||
MOPEC008R.Bartoldus (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Characterization of Interaction-Point Beam Parameters Using the pp Event-Vertex Distribution Reconstructed in the ATLAS Detector at the LHC | |||||
MOPEC009M.Meddahi (European Organization for Nuclear Research Technology Department (TE)) LHC Abort Gap Monitoring and Cleaning | |||||
MOPEC010S.Redaelli (European Organization for Nuclear Research) LHC Aperture Measurements | |||||
MOPEC011S.Redaelli (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) The Online Model for the Large Hadron Collider | |||||
MOPEC013K.A.Drees (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Vernier Scan Results from the First RHIC Proton Run at 250 GeV | |||||
MOPEC014S.M.White (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) First Luminosity Scans in the LHC | |||||
MOPEC015F.Zimmermann (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Single-pass Beam Measurements for the Verification of the LHC Magnetic Model | |||||
MOPEC016F.Zimmermann (European Organization for Nuclear Research Beams Department (BE)) Interaction of Macro-Particles with the LHC Proton Beam | |||||
MOPEC017T.Sen (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Anomalous Diffusion Near Resonances | |||||
MOPEC020J.Stiller (Heidelberg University Physics Institute) Simulation of the LHC BRAN Luminosity Monitor for High Luminosity Interaction Regions | |||||
MOPEC021A.Ratti (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) First Results from the LHC Luminosity Monitor | |||||
MOPEC022Z.Li (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Compact 400-MHz Half-wave Spoke Resonator Crab Cavity for the LHC Upgrade | |||||
MOPEC023K.A.Brown (Brookhaven National Laboratory) RHIC Performance for FY10 200 GeV Au+Au Heavy Ion Run | |||||
MOPEC024R.Calaga (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) RHIC BBLR Measurements in 2009 | |||||
MOPEC026W.Fischer (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Status of the RHIC Head-on Beam-beam Compensation Project | |||||
MOPEC027V.Litvinenko (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Development and Evaluation of IBS Suppression Lattices at RHIC | |||||
MOPEC028P.Thieberger (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Recent Triplet Vibration Studies in RHIC | |||||
MOPEC029M.G.Minty (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Global Orbit Feedback at Rhic | |||||
MOPEC030M.G.Minty (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) High Precision Tune and Coupling Feedback and Beam Transfer Function Measurements in RHIC | |||||
MOPEC031A.Marusic (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Chromaticity Feedback at RHIC | |||||
MOPEC032M.G.Minty (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Effect of Triplet Vibrations on RHIC Performance with High Energy Protons | |||||
MOPEC033C.Montag (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) RHIC Performance as a 100 GeV Polarized Proton Collider in Run-9 | |||||
MOPEC034C.Montag (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Experience with Split Transition Lattices at RHIC | |||||
MOPEC035C.Montag (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Optimizing the Beam-beam Alignment in an Electron Lens using Bremsstrahlung | |||||
MOPEC036F.C.Pilat (Brookhaven National Laboratory Collider-Accelerator Department) Operational Non-linear Corrections in the RHIC Low β* Interaction Regions | |||||
MOPEC037R.De Maria (Brookhaven National Laboratory) High Beta Operation Scenarios for Crab Cavities in the Insertion Region 4 of the CERN Large Hadron Collider | |||||
MOPEC038T.Fujinaka (Kyushu University Center for Accelerator and Beam Applied Science) Commissioning of FFAG Accelerator at Kyushu University | |||||
MOPEC039M.Fukuda (Osaka University Research Center for Nuclear Physics) Developments for Beam Intensity Increase and Beam Quality Improvement in the RCNP Cyclotrons | |||||
MOPEC041N.Yu.Kazarinov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Calculation of Second Order Moments for an Ion Beam in a Degrader | |||||
MOPEC042A.Garonna (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Synchrocyclotron Preliminary Design for a Dual Hadrontherapy Center | |||||
MOPEC043D.J.Kelliher (Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Accelerator Science and Technology Centre) Error Study of a Novel Non-linear, Nonscaling FFAG | |||||
MOPEC044S.Machida (Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Accelerator Science and Technology Centre) A Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerator With Long Straight Sections | |||||
MOPEC046R.T.P.D'Arcy (University College London Department of Physics and Astronomy) Modelling of the EMMA ns-FFAG Injection Line using GPT | |||||
MOPEC047R.J.Barlow (Cockcroft Institute The University of Manchester Physics and Astronomy Department) High Current Proton FFAG Accelerators | |||||
MOPEC048T.Yokoi (John Adams Institute) Beam Extraction of PAMELA NS-FFAG | |||||
MOPEC049C.Johnstone (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) CW (Isochronous) High Intensity FFAG Proton Drivers for HEP and ADS | |||||
MOPEC050T.Adachi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Injection and Extraction System for the KEK Digital Accelerator | |||||
MOPEC051T.Iwashita (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Induction Acceleration System for KEK Digital Accelerator | |||||
MOPEC052K.Takayama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Accelerator Laboratory) KEK Digital Accelerator for Material and Biological Sciences | |||||
MOPEC053K.Takayama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Accelerator Laboratory) Ion Source and Low Energy Beam Transport for the KEK Digital Accelerator | |||||
MOPEC054N.Grouas (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique) Mechanical and Cryogenic System Design of the 1st Cryomodule for the IFMIF Project | |||||
MOPEC055H.Jenhani (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique IRFU Service des Accélérateurs, Cryogénie et Magnétisme) Status of the CW Power Couplers for the SRF Linac of the IFMIF Project | |||||
MOPEC056A.Mosnier (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (IRFU)) The Accelerator Prototype of the IFMIF/EVEDA Project | |||||
MOPEC057F.Orsini (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique Direction des Sciences de la Matière IRFU) Study and Realization of the First Superconducting Half Wave Resonator Prototype for the SRF Linac of the IFMIF Project | |||||
MOPEC058P.Puppel (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) StrahlSim, a Computer Code for the Simulation of Charge Exchange Beam Loss and Dynamic Vacuum in Heavy Ion Synchrotrons | |||||
MOPEC059U.Ratzinger (Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Angewandte Physik) The Frankfurt Neutron Source FRANZ | |||||
MOPEC060A.Pepato (INFN- Sez. di Padova) Engineering Design and First Prototype Tests of the IFMIF-EVEDA RFQ | |||||
MOPEC061A.Palmieri (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro) The IFMIF RFQ Real-scale Aluminum Model: RF Measurements and Tuning | |||||
MOPEC062A.Palmieri (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro) Perturbation Analysis on a Four-vane RFQ | |||||
MOPEC063Y.Irie (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Wideband Low-output Impedance RF System for the ISIS Second Harmonic Cavity | |||||
MOPEC064M.Yoshioka (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Accelerator Laboratory) J-PARC Accelerator Complex Construction | |||||
MOPEC065M.Yoshii (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Japan Atomic Energy Agency J-PARC Center) Recent Status and Future Plan of J-PARC MA Loaded RF Systems | |||||
MOPEC066H.Ao (Japan Atomic Energy Agency Linac Laboratory) Status of Mass Production of the ACS Cavity for the J-PARC Linac Energy Upgrade | |||||
MOPEC067K.Hasegawa (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAEA and KEK Joint Project (J-PARC)) Status of the J-PARC RFQ | |||||
MOPEC068H.Hotchi (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAEA and KEK Joint Project (J-PARC)) High Intensity Beam Operations in the J-PARC 3-GeV RCS | |||||
MOPEC069M.Kinsho (Japan Atomic Energy Agency J-PARC Center) Status and Progress of the J-PARC 3-GeV RCS | |||||
MOPEC070S.Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of High Energy Physics Accelerator Center) The Optimization of Beam Dynamics Design for CSNS/RCS | |||||
MOPEC071J.Wei (Tsinghua University in Beijing) The Compact Pulsed Hadron Source Construction Status | |||||
MOPEC072Y.Lee (Paul Scherrer Institute) Simulation based analysis of the anomalous RF drifts of a current monitor at PSI proton accelerator facilities | |||||
MOPEC074B.Jones (Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ISIS Department) Injection Upgrade on the ISIS Synchrotron | |||||
MOPEC075A.P.Letchford (Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ISIS Department) Status of the RAL Front End Test Stand | |||||
MOPEC076S.Jolly (Imperial College of Science and Technology Department of Physics Blackett Laboratory) Integrated Design Method and Beam Dynamics Simulations for the FETS Radio Frequency Quadrupole | |||||
MOPEC077A.Seville (Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ISIS Department) Dual Harmonic Acceleration on the ISIS Synchrotron | |||||
MOPEC078J.J.Back (University of Warwick Department of Physics) Commissioning of the Low Energy Beam Transport of the Front End Test Stand | |||||
MOPEC079S.M.H.Alsari (Imperial College of Science and Technology Department of Physics Blackett Laboratory) A Tuning System for the FETS RFQ | |||||
MOPEC081N.Solyak (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) The Concept Design of the CW Linac of the Project X | |||||
MOPEC082N.Solyak (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Lattice Design for Project -X CW Superconducting Linac | |||||
MOPEC085M.A.Plum (Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source) Status of the SNS Power Ramp Up | |||||
MOPEC086M.Ichikawa (Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research Advanced Research Center for Beam Science) Development of Very Small ECR H+ Ion Source |