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Collisions with polarized beams may provide a further insight into particle physics. A certain reaction is sensitive to the polarization and our understanding could be expanded, even if the luminosity is lower. While polarization is not included in the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy collider project, it is considered as one of the future upgrades. Several meetings were held on this subject.
Please send your comments and questions to K.Furukawa.
SuperKEKB e- Polarization Upgrade ChiralBelle-29July2020.pdf ICHEP Practice Talk - SuperKEKB e- Polarization Upgrade Speaker: John Michael Roney SNOWMASS Letter of Intent
36th B2GM: Beam polarization upgrade polarized_source_development_hiroshima-liptak-200624.pdf edr_oide_200624b.pdf Masao Kuriki et al. e- polarized source considerations Katsunobu Oide Electron damping ring for polarized SuperKEKB SuperKEKB upgrade schedule considerations Caleb Miller Polarimetery with tau decays- status Swagato Banerjee Snowmass and Belle II e- Pol Upgrade in KEK RoadMap 2021-2026
SuperKEKB e- Polarization Upgrade polarized_source_development_hiroshima-liptak-200528.pdf
SuperKEKB e- Polarization Upgrade preliminary_polarization_superkekb-version2-koop-200514.pdf
3rd meeting on polarized electron beam for SuperKEKB Spin_rotators_update_April-2018_at_KEK.pdf
3rd meeting on polarized electron beam for SuperKEKB Spin_rotators_update_22-Mar-2018.pdf
Polarized electron beam for SuperKEKB ChiralBelle-8Feb2018.pdf
First meeting on polarized electron beam for SuperKEKB SuperKEKB_Polarized_electron_beam_20180206.pdf ChiralBelle-Feb2018.pdf Polarization_work_for_SuperB.pdf
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