Information Bulletin No. 1

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Workshop on Pulsed RF Power Sources for Linear Colliders (RF96). This workshop, organized on the initiative of ICFA panel "Acceleration Technology", is the third one of this series and is hosted this time by KEK, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics in Japan. The workshop will be held at the Shonan Kokusai Mura, Hayama-machi, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, from April 8-12, 1996. It is close to the historical city, Kamakura and is about 50 km south of Tokyo. As in the previous two workshops, the scientific program contains discussions on the following topics:

Emphasis will, however, be laid on discussions about technical feasibility of proto-type models of RF systems to be employed in linacs for linear colliders or other high energy accelerators which are being planned worldwide. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please send your personal details (indicated below) by E-mail or Facsimile to the RF96 workshop office by September 30. Although we have listed up as many persons as possible according to the participant lists of the previous workshops, we would be much obliged if you could pass this information to those who are interested in this workshop but have not received this bulletin. For future correspondence, we will use E-mail only. In order to make sure that the message has arrived, your acknowledgment will be highly appreciated. For those who don't have access to E-mail, we will correspond either by Facsimile or by post. Location, access from Narita Airport Shonan Village Center, Hayama-machi, Kanagawa 240-01, Japan.

The room rate will be about yen 12,000. The nearest railway station, Zushi, is about two and half hours ride from Narita Airport by JR railway. The trains run very often, but the direct connection from Narita Airport is about once per hour. We will let you know the details on the transportation in the future. Schedule/program

Tour to the ancient city, Kamakura. Further detail will follow. Personal details Please advise if you are attending and your personal details by 30 September, although this is not final For further inquiry, please contact the workshop office.

Koji Takata/Chun Fang Frei (Ms)

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