3rd ICFA Workshop on Pulsed RF Sources for Linear Colliders (RF96)

Hayama,Kanagawa, Japan
April 8-12, 1996

General Information

3rd ICFA Workshop on Pulsed RF Sources for Linear Colliders (RF96) will be held at the Shonan Village Center, Hayama, April 8-12, 1996. It is a newly developed resort area with convention facilities. We include the booklet from the Center for your perusal.


Check-in time is 15:00 while check-out time is 10:00. The Center will allow earlier check-in depending on the availability of the rooms. Extension of the check-out time will be charged at a fee.

The Center's main dining room is "Oak", where breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served. All the meals are served on the prior reservation basis. For this reason, the Center requests the participants to reserve and purchase the coupons for the entire period of stay on the check-in day. Once the coupons are reserved, they cannot be canceled. For your reference, the price list for the meals is as follows:

Please note that RF96 will provide participants with a welcome party on Sunday evening (April 7) from 6:00-8:00 PM; breakfasts, Monday through Friday; and a dinner party on Thursday evening. Additional arrangements can be made for accompanying guests (see Registration Form and Bulletin No. 2).

If you have any special request for the meals, please notify the hotel.

The Center has another restaurant "Katsura" which offers Japanese cuisine. For lunch, no reservation is necessary; while for dinner, a reservation two days in advance is required. The Center is equipped with 'AQUA CLUB' which has a heated swimming pool, a Jacuzzi, sauna, and suntanning corner. It is advisable to bring your own swimwear, cap, and towel (otherwise provided at a cost) with you.

How to get to the JR Time Table & Chart)

It takes about 3 hours from Narita Airport to the Center. The chart attached shows three different ways to get there, depending on the type of train and connection station one chooses. (Please refer to the timetable and chart)

  1. One can take the rapid train (called Airport Narita) from Narita Airport direct to Zushi Station (with some exceptions). The trains leave Narita Airport only once an hour. This way is the most economical and convenient, however it is time- consuming, about two hours and forty minutes. (Refer to the JR Time Table and Chart marked in brown).
  2. One can also take the Narita Express from Narita Airport to Yokohama Station, then change there on the same platform into the Yokosuka Line bound for Zushi Station.
  3. Or one can take the Narita Express from Narita Airport to Tokyo Station, then change to the Yokosuka Line to Zushi Station. The information we have is that you have to walk a long way, up and down the escalator to get your connection inside the Tokyo Station.

The first and the second methods are recommended. And please note that only the JR system is involved here.

From Zushi Station, it takes another 30 minutes by local bus to reach Shonan Village Center. (Refer to the Bus Time Table)

There might be slight changes in the time-tables in April, so please check with for updated information.

The price for the Narita Express is: Narita Airport to Tokyo: Yen 2890 Narita Airport to Yokohama: Yen 4100


As mentioned in Bulletin No. 2, the bank is about 30 minutes away, close to the Zushi Station. It is advisable to change or cash your money at the airport before you take the train. For your information, we list the following addresses where cashing of credit cards is available:

Computer Corner

We plan to set up a computer corner where 2 Apple computers with modems and a printer would be available for you to communicate with your home system through ISDN 64. However, since this is the first time we are attempting to set up a remote work station there may be problems.

Slides cannot be used this time. OHP only please. No poster session is planned for RF96.


The proceedings of the workshop will be published later as a KEK report. The format is free except that the main body of each page should be fitted in a space of 16.5 cm wide and 23.5 cm high. Papers should be prepared in camera ready form. They should start with title, author, and affiliations. Please consult the current edition of the AIP Style Manual for standard abbreviations, style of bibliographic references, etc. The paper should be less than 10 pages. Please hand in your paper to the workshop office during the workshop period.

Contacting someone during the workshop

Participants may be reached at 81-468-55-1810 by telephone and 81-468-58-1202 by fax.


For further information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Also, please refer to WWW http://maple.kek.jp/rf96 for constant update.

Attached Materials

  1. JR Chart
  2. Tourist Map of Kamakura
  3. Tourist Map of Kanagawa
  4. Go to rf96 home page