About RF96 Workshop
This RF workshop was organized on the initiative of ICFA panel "Acceleration Technology", mainly aimed at developing high power, high efficiency, low cost RF power sources and auxiliary components to use with future TeV-level linear colliders.
First workshop (RF93) was held at Dubna-Protvino, Russia in July 5 - 9, 1993. About 90 RF scientists and engineers participated. Proceeding was published by BINP.
Picture of RF93 participants
The second workshop (RF94) took place in October 2- 7, 1994 , at the Montauk Yacht Club, Montauk, NY, USA, with participants of about 60 RF scientists and engineers. Proceeding was published in the series of AIP Conference Proceedings 337 by AIP Press.
Picture of RF94 participants
We will hold the third RF workshop (RF96) from April 8- 12, 1996 at Shonan Village Center, Kanagawa, Japan. Those who are interested in this field are welcome to join us.
Members of the Scientific Organizing Committee
Victor Granatstein ( University of Maryland ) USA
Perry Wilson ( SLAC ) USA
Robert B. Palmer ( Brookhaven National Laboratory) USA
Robert M. Phillips (SLAC ) USA
Glen Westenskow ( Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ) USA
Vladimir Balakin ( BINP-Protvino ) Russia
Koji Takata ( KEK ) Japan , Chairman
Hajime Mizuno ( KEK ) Japan
Members of the Local Organizing Committee
Shozo Anami ( KEK ) Japan
Shigeki Fukuda ( KEK ) Japan
Hajime Mizuno ( KEK ) Japan, Vice Chairman
Yoshio Saito ( KEK ) Japan
Eiichi Takasaki ( KEK ) Japan
Koji Takata ( KEK ) Japan , Chairman
Yoshishige Yamazaki ( KEK ) Japan
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