KEK e+/e- Linac Event-Timing Information (II)
- Event-based New Timing System (2006-2012)
Event-based Pulse-to-pulse Beam Modulation Controls
(collection of links)
Injection Beam Scheduling at SuperKEKB Complex through Damping Ring
(PASJ2010) [pdf],
[slide, pdf]
Pulse-to-pulse Beam Modulation and Event-based Beam Feedback Systems at KEKB Linac
(IPAC2010) [pdf],
[slide, pdf]
Pulse-to-pulse Beam Modulation for KEKB and PF Injections and Energy Management at KEK 8-GeV Linac
(WAO2010) [slide, pdf]
New Event-based Control System for Simultaneous Top-up Operation at KEKB and PF
(ICALEPCS2009) [pdf],
[poster, pdf]
EPICS IOC of WindowsXP-based Oscilloscope for Fast BPM Data Acquisition System
(ICALEPCS2009) [pdf],
[slide, pdf]
KEKB と PF の 3 リング同時トップアップ運転のための広域・高速制御機構とビーム運転
(PASJ2009) [pdf]
Windows オシロスコープベース EPICS IOC を用いた高速 BPM データ収集システムの開発
(PASJ2009) [pdf]
KEK Linac におけるイベントタイミングシステム
(PASJ2009) [pdf]
KEK Linac における Event System 用ユーザインターフェースの開発
(PASJ2009) [pdf]
3 リング同時入射用電子銃ビーム高速切替システム
(PASJ2009) [pdf]
KEKB におけるビームトランスポート用 BPM の読み出し高速化
(PASJ2009) [pdf]
Event-based Timing and Control System for Fast Beam-mode Switching at KEK 8-GeV Linac
(PAC2009) [pdf],
[poster, pdf]
Development of Timing and Control Systems for Fast Beam Switch at KEK 8 GeV Linac
(LINAC2008) [pdf],
[poster, pdf]
KEK 電子入射器の高速ビーム切り換え機構
(PASJ2008) [pdf]
KEK Linac におけるイベントシステム用ソフトウェアの開発
(PASJ2008) [pdf]
Timing System Upgrade for Top-up Injection at KEK Linac (EPAC2006) [pdf]
- Non-event-based Old Timing System (2000-2008)
Timing System at KEK 8-GeV Linac (ICALEPCS2003) [pdf],
[poster, pdf]
Trigger-timing signal distribution system for
the KEK electron/positron injector linac (NIM) [pdf]
KEK 電子 Linac におけるタイミングシステム (LAM2002) [pdf],
[slide, pdf]
KEK 電子陽電子入射器のタイミング系ソフトウェアの構築 (LAM2002) [pdf]
Beam Feedback Systems and BPM Read-out System
for the Two-Bunch Acceleration at the KEKB Linac (ICALEPCS2001) [pdf]
Beam Switching and Beam Feedback Systems at KEKB Linac (LINAC2000) [pdf]
Linac のタイミングの雑多な情報 (2000-2007)
Damping Ring Event-timing Information (2016 -) [html]
SuperKEKB の Bucket Selection (2013) [pdf]
SuperKEKB の入射ビーム選択 (Oct.2012) [pdf],
SuperKEKB の入射ビーム選択 (Old, Apr.2012) [pdf],
SuperKEKB の入射ビーム選択 (Old, Mar.2012) [pdf],
SuperKEKB の入射ビームタイミング選択システム (PASJ2010) [pdf],
[slide, pdf]
(Memo on) Synchronization between Linac and PF (PF-AR) [pdf],
(Memo on) Timing for PF Injection from GU_A1 [pdf],
3重同期リモートモジュール (Aug.2015) [pdf]
ブロック図 [pdf]
接続図 [pdf]
回路図 [pdf]
2 重同期モジュール概要 (Aug.2005) [pdf]
回路図 [pdf]
パネル図 [pdf]
(Memo on) Fast Beam Switch (Jul.2008) [pdf],
(Memo on) Fast Beam Switch (Jun.2008) [pdf],
(Memo on) Fast Beam Switch (Dec.2007) [powerpoint]
(Memo on) Fast Beam Switch (Sep.2007) [powerpoint]
(Memo on) Fast Beam Switch (Jul.2005) [pdf],
(Memo on) 25Hz Operation (Feb.2007) [powerpoint]
Event System [web-html]
Event System 200 [web-html]
Diamond Timing System Modules (by J. Pietarinen, MRF, Oct.2005) [pdf],
SLS & Diamond Timing System update (by T. Korhonen, PSI, Dec.2004) [pdf],
- Event System Details (Local copies)
List of Event Modules from SINAP (with prices, 2012, internal) [pdf]
List of Event Modules from MRF (with prices, 2012, internal) [png]
SINAP Event System V2 User Manual (Feb.2015 *** internal) [pdf]
SINAP Event System V2 User Manual (Apr.2013, internal) [pdf]
SINAP Event System V2 User Manual (Dec.2012, internal) [pdf]
MRF Event Modules (300 series) (Oct.2016 *** with delay compensation) [pdf]
MRF Event Generator (EVG230) (Sep.2011 *** with new modular register map) [pdf]
MRF Event Generator (EVG230) (Nov.2010 with new modular register map) [pdf]
MRF Event Receiver (EVR230RF) (Apr.2011 *** with new modular register map) [pdf]
MRF Event Receiver (EVR230RF) (Jan.2011 with new modular register map) [pdf]
MRF Event Receiver (EVR230RF) (Nov.2010 with new modular register map) [pdf]
MRF Event Generator (EVG230) (Oct.2006 ***) [pdf]
MRF Event Receiver (EVR230 and EVR230RF) (Jun.2007 ***) [pdf]
MRF 12-way Fan-out (VME-FOUT-12/cPCI-FOUT-12) (Oct.2006) [pdf]
MRF Event Generator/Receiver Users Manual (old-but-simple, Oct.2003 ***) [pdf]
MRF Event Receiver (EVR230RF) (old, Nov.2006) [pdf]
Event Generator (EVG200) (Apr.2006) [pdf],
(Nov.2005) [pdf],
Event Generator (EVG200) (Japanese, preliminary, Nov.2006) [Word]
Event Receiver (EVR200) (Apr.2006) [pdf],
(Nov.2005) [pdf],
Event Receiver (EVR200) (Japanese, preliminary, Nov.2006) [Word]
Event Receiver (PMC-EVR) (Nov.2005) [pdf]
Timing Event System Module Final Design Review (Preliminary, Jan.2005) [pdf]
- Other modules
1/46分周出力モジュール (18K30) [pdf]
(VME Interrupt and I/O Register (RPV-130) [pdf])
- New driver, general time, etc.
mrfioc2: Timing System Driver for MRF products
Event generator [pdf]
Event receiver [pdf]
MRF product hardware/firmware manuals
Excerpt from EPICS base release notes
generalTime at PSI
- Test codes for EVG-EVR
- Test Codes for VxWorks
- Information at LCLS
LCLS Event System
Global Event System, Dec 2003 *** [html]
Synchronized Time Stamp Support, Aug 1998 [html]
- Copy of Talks at
Master Pattern Generators (MPG) Workshop
Swiss Light Source MPG [ppt]
SNS MPG [ppt]
LCLS Timing [ppt]
drvTs upgrade review [ppt]
General Time [ppt]
- VxWorks Links
VxWorks Web
VxWorks/Tornado FAQ
VxWorks FAQ
- RTEMS Links
EPICS/RTEMS/MVME5500 for Real-Time Controls at NSLS (by Kate Feng, Oct.2005)
- VME Links
- MVME5500 [pdf]
MVME5500 [web]
- MVME5500 Single Board Computer Installation and Use [pdf]
- MVME5500 Programmer's Reference Guide [pdf]
- more MVME5500 documents
- MVME6100 [pdf]
MVME6100 [web]
- VME64x [pdf]
Linac, KEK, Nov.9.2005 - Jul.20.2024.
[Timing Another]