Welcome to the Workshop on Accelerator Operations
Sept.18~23 2016 Shanghai China
We are pleased to announce that the Workshop on Accelerator Operations 2016,WAO2016, will take place in Shanghai, China, from September 18 to September 23, 2016. http://wao2016.csp.escience.cn/ WAO2016 is organised by the the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP).
The WAO2016 will be the 10th in the workshop series following meetings in Jlab, USA(1996), TRIUMF,Canada(1998), CERN, Switzerland(2001), KEK,Japan(2003), FNAL,USA(2005), ELETTRA, Italy(2007), KAERI, Korea(2010), SLAC, USA(2012) and Mainz, Germany(2014). The primary goal of the WAO2016 is to bring together people who operate accelerators of all sizes and to help them exchange ideas about accelerator operation, performance, organization, maintenance, documentation, software, control room layout, remote operation, and safety among other topics. It also serves the accelerator operations community as a means to establish benchmarks by facilitating comparisons of methods, efficiencies, costs, reliability, beam quality and other performance measures. This has best been accomplished with a workshop style atmosphere. The scheduled talks and discussion periods, along with the opportunity for further discussion at breaks and meals allow for interpersonal communications not commonly found at conferences. In addition specialized requirements for labs with similar accelerators and function can be discussed without formal talks. WAO2016 will provide an opportunity to discover how other labs look at accelerator operations, to share views, to meet people and make friends and to take home new ideas and see if they work there. The conference venue will be Shanghai Synchroton Radiation Facility(SSRF),239 Zhang Heng Road Pudong New District(http://e-ssrf.sinap.cas.cn/) With a population of more than 24 million as of 2013, Shanghai is the largest city in the People's Republic of China. situated on the banks of the Yangtze River Delta in Eastern China, it is a global financial center and with 2500 berths, is the busiest container port in the world. Shanghai is a popular tourist destination renowned for its historcal landmarks such as The Bund, City God Temple and Yu Garden as well as the financial district of Lujiazui with its extensive skyline. In its metropolis, one finds a unique blend of the traditional, oriental with that of the modern, western culture which makes the visit to Shanghhai such memorable experience. We welcome you to Shanghai and look forward to meeingt you at the workshop. WAO2016 Chairman Wenzhi Zhang, SINAP
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