International Program Committee
- Roger Bailey CERN
- Michael Bieler, DESY
- Rick Bloemhard ,LBL
- Jinhyuk Choi, PAL
- George Dodson, SNS
- Laurent Hardy, ESRF
- Peter Ingrassia, BNL
- Dan Johnson, FNAL - Secretary
- Emanuel Karantzoulis, Elettra - chair
- Mike Stanek, SLAC
- Michael Spata, JLAB
- Eiichi Takada, NIRS
- Violeta Toma, TRIUMF
- Noboru Yamamoto, KEK
To help with the program and organisation, the WAO International Program Committee members (from CERN, DESY, ESRF, Elettra, FNAL, LBL, JLAB, SLAC, SNS, BNL, TRIUMF, KEK, NIRS, PAL ) met at Elettra for two days (28-29/9/2006 )
Local Organizing Committee
- Emanuel Karantzoulis
- Stefano Krecic
- Anna Pili
- Cristiana Roberti
- Elisabetta Save
- Massimo Vento
- Ilde Weffort - chair
Web page technical support
- Ivan Andrian
- Stefano Deiuri
- Roberto Passuello
Other technical support