Dowload the map (bpm format, download to get real size) where bus, boat and other locations are indicated!Map of Trieste)

List of participants with emails (@ replaced by § to avoid spams)


Registration desk

A registration desk will be available during the workshop (Monday and Tuesday)

Wellcome cocktail

The welcome cocktail will take place on Sunday 23 September 2007 from 18:30-21:00 in Hotel-Ristorante Filoxenia, via Mazzini 3

Visit to Elettra

The visit to Elettra will be on Tuesday 25 September 2007

Workshop Dinner

The workshop dinner will take place on Wednesday 26 September 2007 from 19:30 in Caffč degli Specchi, Piazza Unitą d'Italia

List of Restaurants

Fish restaurant
Trattoria ai FioriPiazza Hortis, 7040 300633
Al GranzoPiazza Venezia, 7040 306788
Italian Restaurant
Al ToscanoVia Bonomea, 114040 425057
Penna biancaVia San Francesco, 17040 371187
De ScarponVia della Ginnastica, 20040 367674
Principe di MetternichRiva Massimiliano e Carlotta, 2040 224189
Bowling DuinoDuino Aurisina, 5/D040 208362
Pizzeria Bella NapoliViale Venti Settembre, 27040 370637
Pizzeria La TorreStrada Per Longera, 37040 53582
BEFeD Brew PubViale Miramare, 285040 44104
Birreria LowenbrauRiva Nazario Sauro, 14040 317912
Benningan's pubRiva Ottaviano Augusto, 2040 306840
Austrian style restaurant
KapuzinerVia Pozzo del mare, 1040 307997

Bus timetables and connections to Adriatico

The only bus that stops in front of the conference center is the number 36 ( bus shedule in pdf form: Timetable36)
For more information about pubblic bus service of Triest:
Trieste trasporti

Using the boat from Trieste to Grignano (Adriatico)


Last update: October 08, 2007, at 02:08 PM by Emanuel Karantzoulis