Bulletin No. 2- RF(96)

Dear Colleague, As circulated in Bulletin No.1, RF96 will take place from April 8 (Mon) to April 12 (Fri), 1996. It will be organized in almost the same way as RF93 at Dubna and RF94 at Montauk. Every session will be plenary and no invited talks are planned as in the previous meetings. Emphasis will, however, be laid on discussions about technical feasibility of prototype models of RF systems to be employed in high energy linacs in near future. As before the following topics will be discussed:

The primary mission of this series of workshops is to have enough communication among those who are engaging in R&D of RF technologies for linear collider projects such as NLC, TESLA, SBLC, CLIC, VLEPP and JLC. But contribution from other groups of relevant fields is also much welcomed as has been in the past workshops; discussions among various groups would be very beneficial to all attendants. This point should particularly be stressed at RF96 in Japan where the linear collider group is not still of great size. If you have other ideas for topics or styles of the meeting, please do not hesitate to inform us. Listed below is the detailed information for your reference/ action.

1. Workshop site

The workshop will be held on April 8-12, 1996 at

Shonan Village Center
Hayama cho, Kanagawa-ken
Japan 240-01
Tel: 0468 (55) 1810
Fax: 0468 (58) 1202
This center is about 27 kilometers south of Yokohama and is very close to the ancient city, Kamakura. It takes about 2.5 hours from Narita Airport by Narita Express and 90 minutes from Tokyo to get there. Further detail on the transportation will be provided to those who are participating at the workshop.

2. Accommodation

The workshop office has booked a block of rooms at the Shonan Village Center. The room rates are as follows. The block will be released one month before the workshop, therefore, please fill out the Hotel Reservation Form and return it to this office as early as possible. The payment should be made directly to the Center. Visa, American Express, Master, JCB cards and traveler's check are acceptable.

Room rate:

Type of room --1 person/room -------2 persons/room
Single ------------ --8,157
Economy Twin ------- 9,177 ------------ 6,628
Twin---------------11,216 ------------ 8,157
Deluxe Twin-------- 13,256 ------------ 9,177
Maisonette ---------26,512 ------------13,256

Because the number of single rooms is limited, we would apply the 'first-come-first- served' principle. In case some adjustments have to be made, we will seek your prior approval.

The Center is located at the newly developed resort area of Hayama, with a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji. However, due to its newness, there aren't many facilities (or almost none) nearby. The lodgers have to depend on the hotel for almost everything, including three meals.

For your reference, the price list for the meals is as follows:

Breakfast ----7:30 - 9:00 a.m.-------Yen 1,356
Lunch -------11:30 -13:30 ----------Yen 1,017
Supper ------18:00 -19:30 ----------Yen 2,825

Breakfast will be provided to all workshop participants. Lunch and supper are served on advanced reservation only.
The reservation has to be made at least one day in advance, and once being made, it cannot be canceled. For those who have special request like vegetarian and other religious reasons, please indicated in your Hotel Reservation Form.

3. Currency exchange

Since the nearest bank is far away, it is advisable to change your money already at the airport before you take the train.

4. Registration

The registration fee for the workshop is Yen 25,000. It includes the welcome party on Sunday evening, 5 breakfasts, transportation fee for the excursion on Wednesday and a dinner party on Thursday. Coffee breaks will also be provided.
The registration desk will be open from 4:00 PM at the Shonan Village Center. Only Japanese yen cash (no credit card) is accepted.

5. Excursion

What we have in mind is to provide a free day for all the participants. We will charter a bus, however, to transport those who want to visit either Kamakura or Yokohama. From then on, it will be free time so you can enjoy the city at your own pace. The bus will come and pick you up at the designated place and time in the evening. The transportation fee for the accompanying person will be Yen 2,000.

6. Proceedings

The proceedings of the workshop will be published later as a KEK report. The format is free except that the main body of each page should be fitted in a space 16.5 cm wide and 23.5 cm high. Papers should be prepared in a camera ready form. They should start with title, authors, and their affiliations. Consult the current edition of the AIP Style Manual for standard abbreviations, style of bibliographic references, etc. Deadline for the papers will be the registration day.

7. Visa

For those of you who require a visa to enter Japan, we would suggest you apply for it as early as possible. According to past experience, it can take, in the longest case, about 2 -3 months for some nationals to get a visa for Japan. If there is anything we could assist you with, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Also included in this Bulletin are:

Registration Form (Deadline - January 31, 1996)
Hotel Reservation (Deadline - January 31, 1996)

We would appreciate your attention to the deadline and return them to this office as soon as possible.

Ms. Chun-fang Frei
RF 96 Workshop Office
KEK, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics
1-1, Oho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken 305, Japan
Phone: 81-298-64-5697 (Mon & Thur); Fax: 81-298-64-3182
E-mail: rf96@kekvax.kek.jp (chun fang frei)

We will circulate this Bulletin through WWW http://maple.kek.jp/rf96. And for Bulletin No. 3 and further information on this workshop, please also refer to this address.

We look forward to seeing you in April.
Sincerely yours,

Koji Takata



Mailing Address____________________________________________


Please indicate the following:
Registration Fee Yen 25,000 _______________________

Excursion for guests Yen 2,000 (per person)____________
Dinner party for guests Yen 5,000(per person)__________
(Please pay the above amount in Japanese yen cash at the registration desk.)

Note::Breakfast, coffee breaks, welcome party, excursion and dinner party will be provided to workshop participants.


Are you planning to give a presentation: Yes _____No_____
Title: __________________________________________________
Brief Summary or Key Words (in 50 words, please print):

RF (96) - HAYAMA



First name & middle name_____________________________________


Electronic Mail______________________________________________
Number in party___________: Adults__________Children____________
Arrival date________________departure date_____________________
Arrival time________________departure time____________________
Length of stay (# of nights)____________________________________

Please tick :
( ) Single -----( ) Twin (one person)------- ( ) Twin (two persons)
( ) Economy Twin (one person)-----_( ) Economy Twin (two persons)
( ) Deluxe Twin (one person)-------( ) Deluxe Twin (two persons)
( ) Maisonette (One person)--------( ) Maisonette (two persons)
(Because the numbers of the single room are limited, we would apply the 'first- come
-first- served' principle. Adjustment will be made with your prior approval.)

Request for special meal:


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