5-8 October 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Madrid timezone

Lessons learned and new questions for a team operating a Protontherapy facility

8 Oct 2021, 14:00
Zoom application, link on the 'Links' tab of the main menu

Zoom application, link on the 'Links' tab of the main menu

Oral presentation Track III: Lessons learned from the pandemic Lessons learnt from the pandemic


Samuel Meyroneinc (Institut Curie)


The Institut Curie– CPO facility consists in one cyclotron delivering a beam of protons for three treatment rooms. The activities of the BTI service are a mix of operations, technical support, maintenances and developments to keep the facility operational from 8h00 to 19h30, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year with (only 4 fridays off per year). Several evenings and part of week-ends are used for QA beams for clinics and for radiobiological experimentations.
During the period 2020-2021 and the Covid crisis, the CPO facility has operated many adaptations in relation to the several regulations requirements, but has never stopped. From these specific times, there are a first set of « lessons learned » (management of a new sly risk, advantages and drawbacks of the remote work and interactions, …) but also a set of new questions (what is the admissible mental load for the teams when high uncertainties, what about « empowerment » and « esprit de corps » for the teams when there is less time altogether, what are the limits of the remote monitoring of the systems, of the people)

Session Session III: Lessons learned from the pandemic

Primary author

Samuel Meyroneinc (Institut Curie)

Presentation Materials