5-8 October 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Madrid timezone

Poster Session

Poster session will start on a main session and following the introduction by the chair, breakout rooms will be activated and you will be able to choose which poster to visit by clicking at the breakout room menu at the bottom of the screen.

You can move from one poster to the next by choosing the right breakout room. Participants can also return to the main session at any time.

Participants will be able to make questions during the poster session time. Questions can be addressed live or via chat to the poster presenter.

For the poster authors:

  • There will be a member of the LOC hosting your breakout room. This person will be available to provide support if needed. Contact him/her via chat.
  • Posters should be uploaded to Indico before OCT 1st. Maximum size limited to 10MB.
  • On the day you are presenting we will ask you to share your screen. If you are new to Zoom we suggest to make yourself familiar with it.
  • The poster should be optimised for being viewed by screen sharing. Landscape is a convenient format. PDF, short animated presentations or short videos will be accepted as posters.
  • It is strongly recommended that if the poster presenter needs to be away, he/she leaves a message in the ZOOM room (using share screen) informing when he/she will be present for live discussions or he/she is replaced by someone else from his/her team.

List of posters: