5-8 October 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Madrid timezone


First reactions to the pandemic

5 Oct 2021, 14:35
Virtual Event

Virtual Event


First reactions to the pandemic

  • Chair: Violeta Toma (TRIUMF)


March 2020 is a time we will remember and talk about for many years to come. It is the time when COVID-19 moved from epidemic to pandemic.
How did the pandemic affect your lab? Did your Business Continuity Plan include ‘pandemics’? If not, how long did it take your lab to come up with a COVID-19 response plan? Did your lab close down? Did you have to let staff go? How did you ensure site security and machine integrity during a time with minimum staff on site? How and when did you re-open the lab? How fast was your lab able to adapt to remote work? How did the ways of doing business at your lab change during the first month, second, third...?

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