5-8 October 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Madrid timezone

Corona - How did life change in the control room?

5 Oct 2021, 15:00
Zoom application, link on the 'Links' tab of the main menu

Zoom application, link on the 'Links' tab of the main menu

Oral presentation Track I: First reactions to the pandemic First reactions to the pandemic


Sonja Schumann (GSI) Miriam Klich (GSI)


In March 2020 Covid hit our lifes and changed everything.
At the beginning rules were decided day by day and changed, measures were taken, not only in the government but also in GSI. The beam time schedule was uncertain and no one knew if GSI would still be open the next day.
But everything continued running, changes for our safety like our new disinfectant dispenser and wearing a mask, were made. Step by step a new normal way of life began.
Some points of the new way of life are positive and some aren't.
We would like to show you a short overview about all the changes, of the ones we want to keep and the ones we don't and our everyday life of operating.

Session Session II: Running a Beam Particle Accelerator during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Primary authors

Presentation Materials