5-8 October 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Madrid timezone

Re-commissioning the CERN Accelerator Complex in times of Covid

6 Oct 2021, 14:00
Zoom application, link on the 'Links' tab of the main menu

Zoom application, link on the 'Links' tab of the main menu

Oral presentation Track II: Running a Beam Particle Accelerator during the COVID-19 pandemic Running a Beam Particle Accelerator during the COVID-19 pandemic (I)


Rende Steerenberg (CERN)


CERN was at the start of a 2-year long shut-down, scheduled to implement a major upgrade in the LHC injectors complex and to perform consolidation and maintenance on large parts of the LHC, when in March 2019 the Covid pandemic imposed itself. Installation work was adapted to comply to the new Covid related measures put in place and the schedule was shifted because of the lock-down. The gradual commissioning of the renewed complex was launched in Autumn 2020 and was substantially impacted by the measures imposed.
This contribution will address the impact of Covid on the work organization for the commissioning and operation of the accelerator complex, the extra measures and tools that were put in place together with a brief overview of new tools and habits that are likely to stay around even after the Covid pandemic has extinguished.

Session Session II: Running a Beam Particle Accelerator during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Primary author

Presentation Materials